Post New to Earn

 How to make money by posting News

Yes it is possible to earn real money through posting news on your district or your area.
Now day's there are several news apps which are we commonly seen in the mobile applications.The apps are required news reporter.

How to become a news Reporter without any qualification.

Suppose you want to Be coming a news reporter you need some degrees and some percentage of marks and there are a lot of interviews are you face.
But now you can easily upload your local news with this app. The app is not ask your degree or any educational qualifications.

If you want to see the overall interface of the app just click on here

Click here to Download the app

Tips for the app while uploading news

=>If you are upload a image which is taken from the new papers your account will be deleted
=> Don't copy and paste the news
=>Don't post fake news 

Ones your updated a fake news in 
Way2news. it will chance to block your account permanently.

watch the video for understanding 
click here to Subscribe


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